Respect, Responsibility and Care
Taree West Public School is proud to be a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school. The PBL process is adopted in many school across the world and is actively supported by the Department of Education and Communities.
Our school began its PBL journey in 2012. We have a committed team of teachers, School Leaning Support Officers, parents, students and community members who meet regularly to ensure the program is tailored to meet the needs of our school, and is implemented effectively.
As a whole school community we established three core values of Respect, Responsibility and Care. These values are instilled and reinforced across our school environment. An Eagle Mascot has been developed to identify and reward appropriate behaviours. Expectations are taught to the children around the core values with a weekly focus on the explicit teaching of expected behaviours in identified areas of the school. The universal expectations ensure consistency across our school.